We ask for nothing more. We accept nothing less.
Activists, allies, and adoptee rights organizations working collaboratively to secure the rights of all adopted people in Michigan.
Recent News and Resources
All that’s happening, plus a bit more.
How a Legislator’s Proposed Voting Restrictions Will Disenfranchise Adopted People
A legislator’s effort to enact strict proof-of-citizenship voting requirements will disenfranchise thousands of Michigan adoptees. Here’s how.
NO on the SAVE Act
Contact your Michigan Congressional representative and ask for a NO VOTE on H.R. 8281, the SAVE Act, which will disenfranchise many adopted people of the right to vote, particularly intercountry adoptees who do not have available proof of US citizenship.
Past Actions/Bills
Two connected equal rights bills, HB5148 and HB5149, were active in the 2023-2024 session and passed the House, but they did not move out of a Senate committee.
Bill Status
Passage in the Michigan House of Representatives. Did not advance in through the Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety
What’s Next
There is no further action on these bills, which do not continue in the 2025-26 legislative session..